Ben Asen
Ben Asen
People often ask me why I photograph. It's a simple answer: I’m not a great painter. Visually, photography is how I’m able to express myself. Watching old black-and-white movies as a kid greatly influenced what subjects I photograph and how I shoot them. I’ve always enjoyed film noir movies, where the lighting and the use of shadow were so important in making urban scenes beautiful and indelible.
Ultimately, my work is about seeing—truly seeing—the beauty in the ordinary and the extraordinary in the everyday. I like to think of my photographs as windows, offering a glimpse into a world where light and shadow dance, and where each moment holds the potential for discovery and a cinematic moment.
I love photographing cityscapes and urban views anywhere, but my beloved New York City is my primary focus. The energy, architecture, and diversity of the city continually inspire me to explore its many layers through my lens.
But whether I'm photographing an urban setting, a coastal beach town, or in some foreign country, what excites me is finding and sharing the light, shadow, composition, and magic.